julio and christina
julio and christina
Love | Travel | Devotion | Surrender



We embarked on this journey to create a time and a space for us to re-center, re-align and re-focus on ourselves, our next chapter and the work we are here to do together. We seek to understand what the world really needs and how we can provide it through our collective gifts. Our goal is to inspire cultural appreciation in our beautiful world of diversity.

Our intention is to witness the paths of our ancestors, the lives of others worldwide, and the historic and holistic picture of our Earth, so that we can find our own unique roles in making a difference on this planet. We believe the time is now for the people’s voice to rise, and in order to do so with integrity and understanding, we all must first learn more about ourselves, about each other, and about the past so that we can create a better future for people and planet.

We are storytellers. We believe that travel storytelling is a form of activism that contributes to a global understanding and collective consciousness. Our writing comes from a deep cultural appreciation and we hope that it inspires others to see through a lens of Love similarly. We are especially interested in historical narratives and the interlinking impact of global issues.

By sharing our stories, and the stories of other people, we hope to inspire people to see beyond ourselves and into the world of diversity and oneness that our planet is capable of. We do our best to recognize our privilege and identify it in our writing so that we do not contribute to a narrative of cultural appropriation. We highlight local voices and sources of information to the best of our English-speaking ability.

This website is the story of us finding our dream – first looking at where we’ve come from and then creating what we will do next. In order to do this, we changed our lifestyle equation by downsizing our possessions and putting the rest into storage. We are living our daily lives globally while working from abroad – this is not a vacation for us but an experiment in a new lifestyle design.

In order to understand our personal purpose and our true empowerment, we actively take inventory of our behaviors, that of our community, our nation and collectively. We write about that process here and we hope that our voice contributes to the people’s voice during these changing times.

These are the questions we are currently exploring, in order to understand and to create from:

  • How can we reconcile the complexities and suffering of our shared human history with the vision of a new Earth built on Love and compassion?

  • How can we become global citizens and engage in the work of our shared dreams with the help of the Internet with integrity?

  • How can we come into BE-ing rather than DO-ing as a culture?

Our journey is rooted in Faith and Courage. Like Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade when he steps out over the cliff and can’t see the bridge – he has to believe it is there. This is life and choice. We believe in order to create we must walk in trust. Our hope is that by sharing our journey it will inspire you to ask yourself what is possible if you take a leap of faith towards your own dreams. No matter how old you are, how set in your ways you are, and how unsure you are about what is possible, it’s up to all of us to make the jump....