Macrio Galan

Adventure: How to Become a Mindful Tourist

Macrio Galan
Adventure: How to Become a Mindful Tourist

Tips on How to Be a Mindful Tourist

One thing you find when traveling the world is how Americans can be viewed by other cultures while traveling and you eventually encounter them yourself as a fellow traveler. I found this to be extremely challenging at times to witness and sometimes just plain embarrassing.

The "ugly American" sadly is a real thing that we encounter on our travels and have seen some of the negative traits in our selves as well. We found it strange that usually when overhearing American English spoken by a compatriot at a near by table we were finding ourselves hiding and cowering in shame at what was being said, the tone and treatment of others in foreign countries was upsetting.

As the political landscape has shifted in the US a new feeling of national shame has arrived as the entire world mocks and laughs at our leaders and current political situation and discord. Most people of the world we found however judge you as an individual, not by your government. Thank goodness for that.

Generally people love and honor Americans all around the globe but it only takes a few rotten apples to spoil the bunch and here are some examples of what not to do and their counters.

1. Type A Personalities - In the US there is a "find the problem, find an immediate solution and fix it" mentality that sometimes simply does work the same way when abroad in other cultures. A big false sense of entitlement seems to pervade among Western travelers usually stemming from a faint Wifi signal, lack of air conditioning, cultural differences and different food  .

People sometimes seem to demand that everything work like it does back in the states and it simply does not. This acceptance can usually bring some growth and newfound appreciation.

If you evolve or adapt to the circumstances of travel in India which can be chaotic to our eyes, or when a European menu is not in English or the restaurant does not have what you usually eat.... go with it. Flow with it and enjoy. You’ll be better for it.

2.Criticizing all that is different and unique to a place - Cultures are different all over. VERY different. Just because they don’t do things the way you are accustomed do doesn’t make it archaic, underdeveloped or stuck in the past. Sometimes things are greater than your understanding and we all stand to learn alot from each others different customs and cultural values.

3. Being Ethnocentric - Many people still see the United States as first in everything. The truth is, when you travel the world you see how that is a self perpetuated myth in so many ways and our standing in the world has downshifted considerably.

The U.S. Is less than 300 years old. When you travel you see how young that is for a country and that many countries have dessert shops older than the US. The Deserts they make are delicious. Don’t be a hater because something shakes your overly American views on the globe.

4. Expecting everyone to speak English and being loud and obnoxious - English is the most widely accepted language on the planet but simply expecting that everyone speak it can be limiting and offensive to non native speakers. Learn a some helpful phrase, use google translate and give your foreign language skills a try. It will open doors and show that you want to participate in a new culture.

Many Americans seem to think they are the most important people in the room by being as loud as possible talking with each other and taking up all the air in the room. This was a real pet peeve of mine. Keep your voice down if everyone in the restaurant is eating peacefully and quietly. This goes for planes, trains, buses etc. Don’t be that asshole. Your killing the vibe for the rest of us.

5. Dress with Intelligence - In some places if you dress to well you become a mark, in others if you look California casual you are a slob. Make sure to research what people wear and what is indicated socially by certain styles of dress. Conservatism and religious fundamentalism have changed the landscape for women’s wear and tradition in some countries denote societal rejection of tattoos.